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Using Native Approach

Container technology presents an efficient and scalable solution by encapsulating applications and their dependencies. This ensures consistent performance across diverse environments and streamlines deployment, management, and scalability.

Although we strongly discourage it, if none of the alternative installation methods are suitable for you, GameVault can also be installed directly on your system without using containers. The example provided here uses Debian.


Step 1: Clone the Source Code

cd ~
git clone
cd gamevault-backend

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Now we need to install all necessary node dependencies.

pnpm install

Your server files are now in the dist/ folder.

Step 3: Set up an .env File

Create a .env file in the dist/src/ directory and configure your GameVault as desired or set them in your system/VM directly.

Example with SQLITE:

First create the necessary folders or just use existing ones in your config:

For example:

cd ~
mkdir -p gamevault-db gamevault-media gamevault-games gamevault-logs gamevault-plugins

Step 4: Build and Start the Server

To start the server, run:

pnpm start


You have now successfully set up your GameVault Server.

Click here to continue.

Additional Info

Don't put/change anything except the .env file inside the gamevault-backend folder if you don't know what you're doing.

Stopping the Server

Press CTRL + C to stop the server.

Updating the Server

You can update the server by running

git pull

inside of your gamevault-backend git repository. It will auto update to the latest version.

You can update to a specific version by using:

git fetch --all --tags --prune
git checkout tags/9.0.0

for example.