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GUI Overview

This documentation provides a clear overview of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for GameVault. The GUI encompasses various tabs, each offering distinct functionalities.

Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard is a sub-page that appears when the necessary settings for GameVault are not configured. It guides users through these settings with detailed explanations. Exiting the wizard is optional, as all settings can also be configured in the settings tab.

Library Tab

"Library Tab"

  • Browse available and installed games.
  • Expand or collapse sections with expanders.
  • Launch installed games by clicking the play button on box art.
  • Download available games by clicking the download button on box art.
  • Access game settings directly with the Settings icon.
  • The paged Library loads a maximum of 80 games at once for bandwidth efficiency.
  • Use the dice icon to open a random game on the server.
  • Employ the Filter icon for server game filtering.
  • Utilize the search bar to find specific games.

Game Page

"Game Page"

  • View comprehensive game details.
  • Set progress states (e.g., completed or aborted).
  • Review personal progress and that of other users.
  • Add games to the download queue or launch installed games.
  • Navigate back to the Library Tab using the back-arrow button or ESC key.

Game Settings

Your Computer

  • Settings affecting local game installations.


  • View installation directory.
  • Uninstall games.
  • Check disk usage for the game.

Launch Options

  • Set default executable and launch parameters.
  • Create desktop shortcuts.


  • Settings affecting all users on the server (visible to editors or higher).

Edit Images

  • Set a different thumbnail/background image using URLs or uploads (editors only).

RAWG Integration

  • View and remap RAWG game data.
  • Refresh game data from RAWG.

Downloads Tab

"Downloads Tab"

  • Monitor running and completed downloads.
  • View download statistics and progress.
  • Abort downloads.
  • Extract game archives and view extraction progress.
  • Perform installations based on game types.
  • Open download folders and delete downloaded files.

Community Tab

"Community Tab"

  • View all users on the GameVault Server.
  • Select users for detailed game progress information.
  • Sort and delete progresses.
  • Edit user details and reload progresses.

User Settings

Edit Images

  • Set avatar/background images using URLs or uploads.

Edit Details

  • View and update user details.
  • Update passwords with confirmation.

Settings Tab


  • Configure auto-load library, auto-extract downloaded games, and server URL.
  • Set download bandwidth limit and configure startup behavior.


  • Log In to GameVault Backend Server.
  • Log Out from GameVault Backend Server.
  • Register a new user on the GameVault Backend Server.


  • Select GameVault root path and clear image and offline caches.

Admin Tab

"Admin Tab"

  • Visible to admins only.
  • View, activate/deactivate, and edit user roles.
  • Delete or restore users.
  • Open Community Tab profile by clicking on users' avatars.
  • Re-index games on the server.