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Running the Client on Linux

This page serves as a community-driven guide to assist you in setting up the GameVault client on Linux.


Please note that running GameVault on Linux using this method is considered unsupported and unrecommended. It should only be utilized as a last resort when no other options are available.

Getting the application

To start, you need the Application files. The simplest way to get them is explained here.

Setting up with Wine

  1. Install Wine and winetricks
  2. Run winetricks dotnetdesktop6 in a terminal
  3. Launch gamevault.exe

Setting up with Bottles


When using Bottles under flatpak, your data will be in the following directory:

~/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/[YOUR BOTTLE NAME]

Keep that in mind when unpacking games to install them.

  1. Install Bottles
  2. Create a new bottle
    Creating a new Bottle
  3. Inside your bottle click Dependencies and install dotnetcoredesktop6
    Configuring the .NET Core Dependency
  4. Go back to the main page for your bottle and press Run Executable... and select gamevault.exe

Updating the Client


Since there is currently no auto-update functionality available (as mentioned in this link), it is your responsibility to manually update your GameVault client. To update your client, you will need to repeat the procedure in this documentation.

Known issues

  • Text can look very broken if certain fonts are not installed on your system.
    • If you're on Arch Linux, this AUR package fixes the issue.
    • If you're on Debian, you could try to use this package. (untested)
    • Additionally - you can also try this and install it to your wine prefix's fonts folder ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts ; This works on the steamdeck