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Parental Control

GameVault supports a parental control feature that hides games and game progresses based on the games age rating for some users. By default, age restrictions are disabled.

When enabled:

  • Users will not be able to see games above their age rating.
  • Users will not be able to see any progresses for games above their age rating.
Things to keep in mind
  • If you enable parental control, do not forget to set the birth date for existing users.
  • Children must not be of role ADMIN, because they would be able to alter their birth date.
  • The age rating value for games is set by the metadata providers you use. It is in your responsibility to check how the providers determine the age rating.
  • If you use multiple metadata providers, the provider with the highest priority will be used to determine the age rating. User-set age ratings will always override the metadata providers setting. You can check the actively applied minimum age on the game page in your client.

Enabling Parental Control

To enable parental control, set the PARENTAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_ENABLED environment variable to true. Then set the birth date for all existing users.

Keep in mind that, when you set this variable to true, new users will also be required to set their Birth date upon registration.

Changing the Age of Majority

The age of majority determines the age at which an individual is legally recognized as an adult. Reaching the age of majority enables users to alter their birth date. Otherwise, users will not be able to set their own birth date and an admin will be required to set their birth date.

You can configure the age of majority for parental control by setting the PARENTAL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY environment variable. The default value is 18.

Overriding the Age Rating of a Game

Admins can override the age rating of a single game by simply editing the age rating field of a game directly.